Monday, August 16, 2010

I really don't know how to fix my marriage.?

Hi, maybe someone out there has an answer for me, maybe an opinion... I usually never ask for help, but now i'm stranded and as a newlywed already considering divorce. It was a best friend of many many years, and now she won't communicate with me. After we've gone through so much crap and ppl not wanting us to be together, now everything is ok. But now she doesn't do anything, she has no motivation, she just sits there, nags about everything not being good enough, and doesn't show me any affection, doesn't do anything but sleep **** and eat and nag. The only time we eat, i have to cook it, the only time we have fun, i have to force it... how do i fix this? i'm not superman, i can't do everything on top of securing our financial future. And on top of everything, i bring up the issues and then she won't talk to me, she never apologizes when she does wrong, but I always have to make up, or comprimise. How do I turn this one-way street into a balanced marriage?I really don't know how to fix my marriage.?
She might have a mental illness like depression for example. You should insist that she go to a marriage counselor with you.I really don't know how to fix my marriage.?
find activities you like to do such as sports and satisfy yourself, just leave her alone but stay married and don't have kids yet
The thing is, you can't. Not alone. Marriage is not something that can be fixed by one person, the whole point of marriage is that it take the mutual effort of both parties. There are usually two sides to every story, so maybe she, though it may be untrue, may feel as though you're doing something wrong. Together you need to come to the understanding of just what is going on between you two, advisably with the help of some outside mediation.

Good luck!
From what you say, you sound like a good husband. But its hard to give a balanced opinion when I am only reading one side of the story. Try asking her about her feelings, sometimes women close up because they don't have an outlet or feel they can talk about how they feel with their spouse. Rather than make up, don't accept the fault for everything, you can stand your ground, but you can ask her what is wrong and how she feels.
Was she like this before you got married? You say she was your best friend but you don't indicate that the present behaviour is new. So my question is did you marry her thinking she would change? If this isn't new behaviour then you knew what you were getting into. In any case if she doesn't want to improve things your marriage is as good as over. Tell her so and call a Lawyer, maybe you can get an annulment. Really, what do you imagine you would be losing?
Well im not married but i am in a long term relationship. If i were you show her this, show her how deeply you want your relationship to work, show her how you miss her companionship, show her that you hate forcing her to make things work. Tell her that you love her, and you want things to be how they used to. She needs to help you help her, try not to shift to blaming her for this because that will only make her mad.

And if that doesn't work, start going off by yourself, then when she bitches take her to a nice picnic and say something like i miss you the old you and i love you with all my heart and i want thing to be how they used to. Just say what you want to don't hold back

hope this helps....
Get out before you have a kid together--the only legal bind a woman can have on a man is marriage or a kid. The marriage you can get out of, but if you have a kid, you'll be paying for 18 years.
How old are you guys? Maybe she feels like she got married way to young. I know that was my issue. looking back now I wish I had gone to marriage counseling. Instead we both tried to pretend there was no problem and ended up hating each other. Very ugly divorce. Counseling is your best option because it sounds like she's extremly depressed... there could be a million reasons for it.
COMMUNICATION is the key, but that is a two way street.... It sounds like you are headed for a head on collision with TROUBLE.... she is losing interest. Remember nice guys finish last. She will not respect you if she thinks you need her. I went thru this with my first wife... First thing you are doing wrong is trying to do backflips to try to please her. Please yourself. You are the only one that can make YOU happy.... It is her problem if she is unhappy. It is not your responsibility to try to make her happy. It is very hard to be around an unhappy person, they start to make you unhappy. Let me tell you, no matter what you do it will not change the way she is acting. Get some balls dude dont let her treat you like a rug to be stepped on. Tell her that she needs to take a happy pill and join the TEAM otherwise kick her a$$ to the curb with your little nags....... You will not be able to make a person happy that is not trying to be happy. She has some other issues or another agenda......
yo, brave_gl. I am also facing this problem (no communication) and i have a loving son.The last time i talk to my wife was on saturday night. I have been not been home (working) and sleeping in the car for the past few nights.I really hate the part where she have that stupid mentally of couples must have conflict once every few months. (this is what couples usually do) on saturday night, she suddenly change her altitute and start giving me the disgust look of facing me. What have I done??? I don't know. She have been doing that for years every once 7-8 months , she have the upper hand because due to the fact that I have an unhappy childhood in my past where my father left the house when I was very young, I don't want to do that to my son. It is a vey sad thing to happen to a young boy. what is the next step, kill my son and jump down the buliding? because of women charter she will win the case. i will lose my son.any suggestions?
What do you think her views are on you as to why this happened? maybe you guys aren't getting used to being a couple and need to take some space or a few days break from eachother to rekindle something in your relationship. Are you always acting negative around her? if you do then act positive and have a positive attitude because people don't like to be around negative people. Why does she nag you? are you doing anything wrong? try to figure out the reason and try to change something about it for her and your relationship. You might not be able to change her, but the one person you can change yourself which can have a great or poor impact on your relationship.

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