;_ylt=Akc4ihuKB4B8K4zh13nhSHLty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100414163934AAI2Pr2How come some people have to be mean and ugly to me for no reason when i ask a question?
first, its ';why'; not how come.
second, when you insult people, maybe you're reaping what you sow...?
third, arranged marriages are so passe and even ridiculous, i fyou want honest answers, you need to be prepared for this contention.How come some people have to be mean and ugly to me for no reason when i ask a question?
Because, what you're doing is called trolling. Do you have multiple personality disorder? Because your ';friend'; oddly enough, types exactly like you, same with your sister, uncle, etc etc.
-You make a new account everyday with a different name.
-You spam up the boards asking the same f**king question over and over, troll.
dont let her bug you...shes just a random person on yahoo answers who's probably a drunk who sells dope had 3 divorces with 5 kids and is living off her ex husbands just trying to make you feel better
Wow... calm down man. This is a joke right? Nobody would just rant like this, right?... I have a bad feeling about this...
Why do you give Liz so much power over you? There's millions of people like Liz in this world who are hurt themselves because someone hurt them. Now you want to hurt yourself or her or someone else. The cycle just keeps going around and around. Why not just cut it off? You know she insulted you because she's been hurt herself and has low self-esteem. Why play into her game? Why not grow up and get past her and let it go and just feel sorry for her? The more you obsess about it, the more power Liz has over you and the more of a victim you become. Take power and ignore it and move on to more interesting and kind people.
People can be mean because your question can invoke memories of the past. Sometimes, people wish that they had done something different instead of messing up and they take those negative feelings out on other people. Don't let this girl bother you. Some people just look to hurt other people because it makes them feel powerful. She's just a yahoo answer user and she doesn't know you. If you don't want negative answers, then don't ask things on yahoo... there's no way to censor who writes or what they write. You just need to ignore her.
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