Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you let go of the past, of pain and hurt?

ive had my heartbroken, been through things noone should have to go through and always i hear people say you have to let go of the past... but how do you do that?How do you let go of the past, of pain and hurt?
Time heals all wounds. Get out, do different things.How do you let go of the past, of pain and hurt?
lots and lots of Jack Daniels black label!
Two things. First, put yourself in the other person's situation. For whatever reason, you weren't right for them. Would you, in their situation, be happy if you'd stayed in a situation with the wrong person? How would you feel about having to break someone's heart? Understanding this will help you accept that what they did was inevitable.

Second, think of the good that came to you from the relationship. Even the most hurtful relationship I had taught me what I wanted in a partner, how to better express my love, and to exit relationships quickly if they clearly weren't going to work. These lessons, though learned with a lot of pain and loss, helped me find, win, and marry a wonderful wife.
Well depends on how bad the event was, time will soften it until it is gone.

So either just wait for it to go or be rational and just forget it. It's certainly isn't easy and it might pop in your head once or twice but you just have to push it away.

Pretend that it never happened and some day you will forget it completely.

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