Friday, August 20, 2010

How did you know you were in labor?

this probably seems stupid, i am on my second pg and with my first i was uncomfortable but not miserable or in alot of pain. i ended up get induced and an epidural at 3 cm. so i don't really know what its like to go into labor on your own. i know what they say wait till you can time the contractions wait till they get to 5 mins apart. i know all that but im still afraid i wont know or ill go like a thousand times. can anyone tell me what you went through and how you just ';knew'; to go to l%26amp;d. im sure im such a whimp ill go anyway but i don't want to rush if there's no need.

p.s i have been having alot of bh and even some regular contractions and alot of pressure. all different from my first pg so i just wanted to know. thanks you.How did you know you were in labor?
i just knew i didnt have any contractions or signs all day and i sat down and started getting cramping like feelings and then all of the sudden the pain was soo bad i couldnt talk right then i knew this is it.How did you know you were in labor?
I've had three kids, and all three were different. With the first I was induced. With the second, my water broke (at home thankfully!) and with my third, I had contractions for about two months. And even though some were painful, I always watched the time and checked for intensity increases which never came about. But the weird thing is, I knew the instant I had the first ';real'; contraction because it felt extremely different than the ones I'd been having. It actually woke me up around 5:30 am it was so painful. And they started like clockwork every 5 minutes and hurt more when I moved.

Just remember to relax and trust your instincts. When in doubt, call your doctor.

Best wishes!

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