Alright, I sound desperate but I am seriously about to give up. I'm 16, 5'7 and guess how much I weigh? Let's just say it's over 220 pounds. I have IBS and it was really bad once that I lost a lot of weight and my doctor was worried for me...and over time, I gained all the weight back, PLUS access weight. I noticed I could start to eat anything I wanted and over 2 years, I gained 100+ pounds. I feel very unhealthy and type 2 diabetes runs in the family so sometimes I worry about that. My self-esteem is so low that I think VERY negative and half of the negative-ness comes from me being so fat. I hate my body and I always feel like I hate myself. I used to be really happy and I think I started to eat a lot because I got depressed.
Now I tried a lot of ';diets'; but none of them seemed to work. Not eat after 6, drink water before eating to get full, exercise and eat right, watch what I eat, cut out fatty foods, count calories, write a food diary, etc. I seriously am ready to GIVE UP. I don't wanna be known as fat for the rest of my teen years and I wanna go out and be normal and not hate myself. I always have goals and motivations but I lose them and just focus on the food and It's getting really old. I tried talking to my therapist and she told me to walk my neighborhood. That hasn't done anything. She told me to go step by step but nothing is working. I wish I could do something that would be so easy for me...and I know most of you will say ';exercise more and eat healthy foods'; I mean I can do that but I don't have time to run to a store with my dad and get foods I don't have like peanuts, cranberries, etc. I just want to do stuff that is easy.
So please, do you guys have any advice for me? I feel so bad about myself and I wanna CHANGE. I hate making plans to lose weight and then I just lose them. I'm not getting much support and I cant' do this on my own so do you guys have any advice or thoughts about this? Maybe you're going through the same things?
Remember, I'm only I'm still pretty young and you know how hard it is to be in high school, specially when you don't like how you look.
Thanks so much guys!
-NessaI am seriously about to give up, how can I lose weight?!?
Don't worry about fad diets. Here is the only thing that matters: eat less calories than you burn daily and you will lose weight.
I would start eating 1600 calories per day, and weigh yourself once a week (your weight will vary day to day and weighing too often may make you think you are gaining weight when you aren't.)
If you eat things like baked chicken without skin, goldfish crackers, tuna..those 1600 calories will go a long way. You will be hungry for the first few days, but then your stomach size will shrink and you will feel full after eating a little.
PS: Count EVERY calorie you put into your mouth, drinks count!I am seriously about to give up, how can I lose weight?!?
ok your still young and its easty to lose wight when young :) so your lucky.... You have to learn self conrtol thats it...when you pick up a candy bar or chips or something think to yourself Do I really need this? and if your hungry have an apple or some baby carrots (carrots are my fave)
it also helps if you have a buddy to talk to :)
I used to be 5'8'' 225. I know what you mean. The main thing is to not get discouraged. Work with your doctor to make a diet plan for you that will fit your needs. that is the best way. by the sounds of it you have only tried what are known as 'fad' diets which will only leave you down a path of disaster.
most important thing is not giving up. WORKOUT, get out and walk, have someone buy you a cheap stationary bike and ride a few miles a day, eat right. I know it is hard to get to a gym especially at that age but get your family involved. You can get a cheap stationary bike for about 100 bucks and just ride it and eat right. get more people involved (doctor, family, and friends) this will help you be motivated. Even the best body builder/athlete gets discouraged the difference between them and us is that they have a support system (coaches, trainers) that push them constantly and maintain them motivated after a bad workout. You need this!!!! get motivated but having others push you positively.
-good luck
Since you did mention that you were 16, we all grow at different paces and in different ways. You're still growing so keep in mind that you don't want to overdo it and hurt your body. I recently lost a bunch of weight and I have a few simple tips.
1. Stand up as much as can.
2. Set SMALL goals. EX: I'm going to do five push-ups during next commercial break.
3. Don't give up.
The last one is really important. No matter what, don't let your body waste away. Diabetes is not fun. Good luck! :)
DON'T STARVE YOURSELF!!! Your body recognizes when you aren't going to feed it and the next time you eat, stores the food away for the next time you don't feed it. This becomes fat. What you need to do is eat small portions of vegetables and fruit everyday every 3-6 hours, that way your body knows you are going to feed it and it burns off everything extra. This is the example my teacher gave us... if you have 2 snacks, one is next to you and the other is across the room in the pantry, which one are you going to take? The one next to you right? well your body is the same way, it burns off the calories you just ate before it goes to the ones stored away, just exercise any time you have (like between commercials on t.v) and eat healthy things with little to no calories and just take it slow, change doesn't happen over night!
First, I'll be honest I don't know what IBS is but I'll help as best as I can. From the sounds of it you don't need a diet, you need a life style change. You are going to have to be careful about what you eat, nix sugars and fatty foods as best you can. (its OK to fumble sometimes and give into cravings but only on occasion.) As for getting exercise, start out just walking about 20minutes a day and work your way up to either walking longer or running. Once you start to get your metabolism up you will start to lose weight faster. Some times all you need is a buddy to do it with you, to help keep you motivated. As you as none of this is working, you can try Body for Life. Its a work out/ diet plan that teaches you how to workout properly and how to eat right for life, not just some diet that cuts out carbs or something until you are done with the program. Try eating more lean meats and snacking on fruits and veggies. Make a grocery list so whenever you can go with your dad you can get foods to snack on and make easy healthy meals.
I hope I helped. If you need any advice or support let me know.
Your age, weight, sex and height allow you to eat 2300-2400 calories in a day, without gaining a pound.
One pound is approx. 3500 calories. So to lose a pound a week, you would need to eat 1800-1900 calories per day. That is without physical exercise. If you add exercise to a 1800-1900 calorie diet, you could lose up to 2-3 pounds a week. It's science.
Maybe you could go grocery shopping with your parents and tell them not to buy anything unhealthy if you lack self discipline at your house. I'm in the middle of a diet (lost 10 pounds in the last 2 weeks), but I'm 21, at 16 years old I didn't have the discipline to really watch what I ate.
Set small goals (like 1-2 pounds a week) instead of long term goals. You didn't gain your weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight either. Get a buddy who is on a diet also and motivate yourselves together. Having someone supporting you makes a ton of a difference.
Ok the first poster gave you some good advice about eating less than you burn and all that BUT i can make it simple for ya. I have an eating plan that is very simple to follow, you get to eat all day long AND you get a cheat day every week where you can eat any kind of food you want to. I KNOW it works because i used it to great success. You are going to HAVE to exercise with it though. Im gonna give you two links. There is absolutely nothing to buy, it will never ever ever cost you a penny.
One link is to a forum i belong to with alot of people who help each other with advice, tips and motivation. THERES YOUR SUPPORT.
The second one is a link to a free version of an eating plan that if you buy it costs about 40 bucks. This one is free and pretty much the same program and it DOES work. The only thing I can think of that you HAVE to have that is left out is a list of foods that are ok to eat all the time anytime while on this plan. Im gonna list the ones I can think of for you so you will know.
Carrots, broccoli,mushrooms, onions,lettuce,tomatoes,eggplant,celery,鈥?i know theres more but i cant think of it right now. lol Here are the links , and hope i helped you.
One more thing...its not easy to lose weight, you HAVE to commit and you HAVE to put the work into it. You have to stay strong and motivated. Take pictures, take measurements and stay off the scales. Let your mirror and tape measure tell you if what you are doing is working. Ok heres the links.
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